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Howtos and Demos
Demonstrations of classic experiments in psychology for use in courses
Tic Tac Toe Multiplayer Version
Two-player version of the Tic Tac Toe game. Two players, matched in order of arrival, take…
Tic Tac Toe
Tic Tac Toe game demo, used elsewhere in a two-player mode (over Internet). Illustrates how to…
Multiplayer Game
This is a very simple chat 'game'. Two 'players' are randomly matched and can then input text and…
Amsterdam Memory Game
Script 8.11. Simple bug catching game
Memory Game
Visual Perception
Flanker Task
This is a fairly complete demo of the Eriksen Flanker Task, which takes about 2.5 min. It is…
Short-term Memory
Digit Span Task
This is a fairly typical implementation of the digit span forward task, similar to what one might…
Digit Span Complete Example - Dutch
Like the Corsi Blocks Demo, this is a much more extensive example that can be (and has been) used…
Corsi Blocks Complete Example - Dutch
This is a much more extensive example than the minimal demo. This version includes a practice phase…
Basic 1-Back Task
Brief demo of a 1-Back Task to get a feeling for how this task is often implemented. Stimuli are…
Sternberg Task
Corsi Blocks (Simplified)
Functional Corsi Block Tap test with immediate feedback. Does not store any data. Useful…
Long-term Memory
Lexical Decision Task
Fairly complete implementation of a typical lexical decision task, which takes about 6 min. It…
Script 1.4
Memory Game
Remembering Random Dot Patterns
Lexical Decision Task
Fairly complete implementation of a typical lexical decision task, which takes about 6 min. It…
Script 2.7 - Lexical Decision
Implicit Memory
Getting Started Book
Scripts from the free tutorial book
'Getting Started with NeuroTask Scripts'
Chapter 1
Script 1.2
Script 1.1
Script 1.0
Script 1.3
Script 1.4
Chapter 2
Script 2.7 - Lexical Decision
Chapter 3
Corsi Blocks (Simplified)
Functional Corsi Block Tap test with immediate feedback. Does not store any data. Useful…
Chapter 4
Visual Recognition Memory - Script 3.1
Chapter 5
Rotate Text Demo
Brief demo showing how to rotate and flip text using CSS styles.
Chapter 6
Likert Scale and Radio Variants
Illustrates how to preselect a check button on a Likert scale.
Likert Scale Demo
Illustrates the use of scale() to generate a basic Likert scale as explained in Chapter 6 of…
waitfor or Demo
Illustrates how to use the waitfor ... or statement to wait for several events at once. As soon…
Select Control - Demo
Illustrates the use of the select() function that generates a select control, as explained in…
Combining Multiple Controls
This demo illustrates how you can combine several controls on one page in such a way that they are…
Chapter 7
logtrial in practice
Demo how to use the logtrial() function in a typical reaction time experiment.
Counter-balancing with increase()
How do you assign subjects to different conditions as they come in to do your online experiment?…
Script 7.5. Skipping parts
Chapter 8
DnD Multiple Targets 1
Script 8.10. DnD on another block
Script 8.9. Basic Drag-and-Drop
Animate 1
Animate Toggle
Animate Blink
Script 8.11. Simple bug catching game
Chapter 9
Sound Play and Stop
Sound Simplest
Chapter 10
waitfor or Demo
Illustrates how to use the waitfor ... or statement to wait for several events at once. As soon…
Two Simultaneous Videos
This demo shows how you can show two videos simultaneously or as is the case here, the same video in…
Demo - Force Subjects to Watch Entire Video
This 1 min movie cannot be skipped or fast forwarded. It has to be watched in its entirety.
Video with Subtitles Demo
Shows how to add subtitles and chapters.
YouTube Video Demo
Simplest demo of how to show a Youtube video.
Simplest Video Script
Demonstrates the simplest way to play a video file.
Chapter 11
Simple Graphics Demo
Demonstrations of classic experiments in psychology that can be used in teaching
Stroop Task Demo
Demo of the classic Stroop Task adjusted for the online use.
Digit Span Task
This is a fairly typical implementation of the digit span forward task, similar to what one might…
Lexical Decision Task
Fairly complete implementation of a typical lexical decision task, which takes about 6 min. It…
Go/No-Go Task
This is a fairly typical implementation of the Go/No-Go Task, which takes about 2.5 min. It is…
Basic 1-Back Task
Brief demo of a 1-Back Task to get a feeling for how this task is often implemented. Stimuli are…
Flanker Task
This is a fairly complete demo of the Eriksen Flanker Task, which takes about 2.5 min. It is…
NeuroTask Card Sorting Test
This is the NeuroTask Scripting implementation of the well-known Wisconsin Card Sorting Test with…
Scripts of well-known neuropsychological tests
Executive Functions
Stroop Task Demo
Demo of the classic Stroop Task adjusted for the online use.
Go/No-Go Task
This is a fairly typical implementation of the Go/No-Go Task, which takes about 2.5 min. It is…
NeuroTask Card Sorting Test
This is the NeuroTask Scripting implementation of the well-known Wisconsin Card Sorting Test with…
Long-term Memory
Short-term Memory
Digit Span Task
This is a fairly typical implementation of the digit span forward task, similar to what one might…
Digit Span Complete Example - Dutch
Like the Corsi Blocks Demo, this is a much more extensive example that can be (and has been) used…
Basic 1-Back Task
Brief demo of a 1-Back Task to get a feeling for how this task is often implemented. Stimuli are…
Corsi Blocks (Simplified)
Functional Corsi Block Tap test with immediate feedback. Does not store any data. Useful…
Sustained attention
Go/No-Go Task
This is a fairly typical implementation of the Go/No-Go Task, which takes about 2.5 min. It is…
Scripting Level
Example scripts for different levels of expertise in writing NeuroTask scripts
Example Experiment
Example experiment showing how to invite subjects with an extra 'token' argument to communicate to…
Multiple Buttons
Shows how to await() for several buttons, each of which can be pressed.
Gives a variant on the scale() control but with the ability to provide labels per choice above or…
Check a response with the distance function
Shows how you can use the distance() function to check a response, allowing for a certain amount of…
Visual Recognition Memory - Script 3.1
Metronome Demo
Demostrates preloading and then playing a sound every 500 ms for 10 s. Also shows how to use the…
Call external library
This demo illustrates how to load such an external library and then use it.
Set the Random Seed
Generate pseudo-random numbers but with a specific seed, so all subjects get the same pseudo-random…
How to Temporarily Hide a Block
Sometimes you want to temporarily hide blocks. For example, you may want to show a bunch of images.…
How to Log a Non-Printable Key
Shows how you can log a non-printable key by its NeuroTask Scripting name. Als gives a simple…
Set the Font Size for All Controls
If you are using the standard controls like input(), instruction(), select() the standard font size…
Clearing the Key Buffer
If you use an awaitkey() the subjects's response will 'linger' even after the awaitkey() call and…
White Text on Black
To achieve white text on a completely black background, you can use a new Box as described in the…
Get URL Parameters
Illustrates how to send subjects to a different webiste (e.g., a survey in Google Forms). Also…
Progress Bar
Shows how to make a simple progress bar by superimposing two blocks and then changing the shape of…
Script 1.4
Sound Simplest
Grid Control Demo
Shows how to apply styles in various ways, like color, text align, etc.
RT Logtrial Demo
Style Standalone Function
Touch Demo on Mobile Phones
Set the Font Size for All Controls
If you are using the standard controls like input(), instruction(), select() the standard font size…
Clearing the Key Buffer
If you use an awaitkey() the subjects's response will 'linger' even after the awaitkey() call and…
White Text on Black
To achieve white text on a completely black background, you can use a new Box as described in the…
Informed Consent Demo
Shows how to implement informed consent screens with downloadable PDFs and an 'Accept' checkbox.
Shows how you can open the subjects' email program and have them, for example, invite friends in…
Stroop Task Demo
Demo of the classic Stroop Task adjusted for the online use.
Combined Logging
Demonstrates how you can combine the inputs from several controls and log it as a string. It also…
Likert Scale Demo
Illustrates the use of scale() to generate a basic Likert scale as explained in Chapter 6 of…
waitfor or Demo
Illustrates how to use the waitfor ... or statement to wait for several events at once. As soon…
Select Control - Demo
Illustrates the use of the select() function that generates a select control, as explained in…
Demo of built-in statistics functions
Redirect Demo
Send your subjects to a different website.
Progress Bar
Shows how to make a simple progress bar by superimposing two blocks and then changing the shape of…
Script 2.7 - Lexical Decision
Reaction Time
Sound 2
Combining Multiple Controls
This demo illustrates how you can combine several controls on one page in such a way that they are…
Corsi Blocks (Simplified)
Functional Corsi Block Tap test with immediate feedback. Does not store any data. Useful…
Blink Image Demo
Blink demo that you can use to blink an entire block with included image or video.
How to Organize Trials
Timer Demo Function
Timer Demo
Click on one of four images
How do we show four images on the screen and record which one the user has clicked? This situation…
How to use a token
This one-liner demo shows how you can add a token to the URL and use it in your script.
Test Radio Buttons
On Firefox for Android (in particular), radio buttons are hard to see. By changing the background to…
Informed Consent Demo
Shows how to implement informed consent screens with downloadable PDFs and an 'Accept' checkbox.
Shows how you can open the subjects' email program and have them, for example, invite friends in…
Demo playwave
Introduces and defines a new function 'playwave()', which can be used to play a simple sound of a…
Tic Tac Toe
Tic Tac Toe game demo, used elsewhere in a two-player mode (over Internet). Illustrates how to…
logtrial in practice
Demo how to use the logtrial() function in a typical reaction time experiment.
Sum Demo
Show how to write and use a function that sums some values in an array.
Image Demo Keep Constant Height
Show image in a block with height at 100% of the block's height, with variable width. Suitable for…
Scoring Demo
Score Word Responses
Function to help you score free recall answers as obtained with the largeinput() function. If you…
logtrial demo
Digit Span Task
This is a fairly typical implementation of the digit span forward task, similar to what one might…
Lexical Decision Task
Fairly complete implementation of a typical lexical decision task, which takes about 6 min. It…
Go/No-Go Task
This is a fairly typical implementation of the Go/No-Go Task, which takes about 2.5 min. It is…
Basic 1-Back Task
Brief demo of a 1-Back Task to get a feeling for how this task is often implemented. Stimuli are…
Redirect Demo
Send your subjects to a different website.
Box Demo
This script illustrates how you can have a full width layout and still use the main-based…
Simple Graphics Demo
Use of closesession()
PowerPoint-like Presentation with Slides
Script 8.11. Simple bug catching game
Call external library
This demo illustrates how to load such an external library and then use it.
Write a SurvBee Package
Describes in progressively more difficult steps how to write your own SurvBee package.
Statistics z Score Demo
This shows how to use the built-in z-score statistical function.
Graphics Circle and Events Demo
Demo that illustrates how to draw circles with text, how to group these, catch mouse events, and how…
Timing Issues
Functions that explore different approaches to measuring time, including ways to attain millisecond…
Tic Tac Toe Multiplayer Version
Two-player version of the Tic Tac Toe game. Two players, matched in order of arrival, take…
Multiplayer Game
This is a very simple chat 'game'. Two 'players' are randomly matched and can then input text and…
Digit Span Complete Example - Dutch
Like the Corsi Blocks Demo, this is a much more extensive example that can be (and has been) used…
Corsi Blocks Complete Example - Dutch
This is a much more extensive example than the minimal demo. This version includes a practice phase…
Flanker Task
This is a fairly complete demo of the Eriksen Flanker Task, which takes about 2.5 min. It is…
Pivot Table and Table
Demo of the pivottable function and how present tables (e.g., for feedback)
Fullscreen Demo
Demo of how to force subjects to do a task in fullscreen. Note that browsers keep changing the rules…
Event Handling (asynchronously)
You can still use all of jquery's event handlers, as this demo illustrates.
Graphics Demo 1
NeuroTask Card Sorting Test
This is the NeuroTask Scripting implementation of the well-known Wisconsin Card Sorting Test with…
Memory Game
Examples of different types of questionnaires (surveys)
Tablets and Phones
Scripts that run well on tables, smart phones, and certain other devices
Tic Tac Toe Multiplayer Version
Two-player version of the Tic Tac Toe game. Two players, matched in order of arrival, take…
Tic Tac Toe
Tic Tac Toe game demo, used elsewhere in a two-player mode (over Internet). Illustrates how to…
Digit Span Task
This is a fairly typical implementation of the digit span forward task, similar to what one might…
Lexical Decision Task
Fairly complete implementation of a typical lexical decision task, which takes about 6 min. It…
Digit Span Complete Example - Dutch
Like the Corsi Blocks Demo, this is a much more extensive example that can be (and has been) used…
Go/No-Go Task
This is a fairly typical implementation of the Go/No-Go Task, which takes about 2.5 min. It is…
Basic 1-Back Task
Brief demo of a 1-Back Task to get a feeling for how this task is often implemented. Stimuli are…
Flanker Task
This is a fairly complete demo of the Eriksen Flanker Task, which takes about 2.5 min. It is…
Corsi Blocks (Simplified)
Functional Corsi Block Tap test with immediate feedback. Does not store any data. Useful…
Digit Span Task
This is a fairly typical implementation of the digit span forward task, similar to what one might…
Go/No-Go Task
This is a fairly typical implementation of the Go/No-Go Task, which takes about 2.5 min. It is…
Basic 1-Back Task
Brief demo of a 1-Back Task to get a feeling for how this task is often implemented. Stimuli are…
Flanker Task
This is a fairly complete demo of the Eriksen Flanker Task, which takes about 2.5 min. It is…
Memory Game
Smart Phone
Digit Span Task
This is a fairly typical implementation of the digit span forward task, similar to what one might…
Go/No-Go Task
This is a fairly typical implementation of the Go/No-Go Task, which takes about 2.5 min. It is…
Basic 1-Back Task
Brief demo of a 1-Back Task to get a feeling for how this task is often implemented. Stimuli are…
Flanker Task
This is a fairly complete demo of the Eriksen Flanker Task, which takes about 2.5 min. It is…
Memory Game
Getting Started
Scripts for complete beginners
My First Eight Scripts
My 1st Script: Beginner Words
This is a basic word recall task. It shows a series of words, then a text field for subjects to type…
My 2nd Script: Beginner Images
This is a basic image memory task. It shows a series of images, then a text field for subjects to…
My 3rd Script: Beginner Experiment
This has the basic structure of an experiment.
My 4th Script: Intermediate Words
This is the same word task as My 1st Script, but created using a more advanced method.
My 5th Script: Intermediate Images
The same image task as My 2nd Script, but created using the more advanced method from My 4th Script.
My 6th Script: Advanced Words
This is a complex word recall experiment, with two conditions and personalized feedback.
My 7th Script: Advanced Images
This is a more complex image task, wherein subjects are shown multiple images at once and click on…
My 8th Script: Advanced Experiment
This is a complex word recall experiment that combines concepts from all seven previous scripts.