My 3rd Script: Beginner Experiment
howto_userMy 3rd Script has the basic stages of a psychological experiment, organized using comments. First, it goes over informed consent. If the subject does not consent, they are brought directly to the end. If they consent, they are given instructions for the task. Then, the experimental trials take place (the word memory task from My 1st Script). After this, the subject is asked a few demographic questions in different formats (e.g. Likert scale, drop-down menu). Last, there is a debriefing about the purpose and hypothesis, and the experiment concludes.
Topics introduced: main.setfontsize(), radio(), if...else, select(), scale(), HTML text formatting
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It is absolutely free to register (no credit card info asked!). You can then instantly copy this experiment with one click and edit it, change its accompanying texts, its landing page, stimuli, etc. Invite your colleagues, friends, or students to check out your experiment. There is no limit on how many people can do your experiment, even with a free account.
The catch? There is no catch! Just keep in mind that with a free account, you cannot collect data. For teaching that is usually not a problem. For research, prepaid data collection (unlimited subjects) starts as low as €10.00 for a 10-day period.
// CONSENT main.setfontsize(75); // Makes font smaller (75%) throughout entire experiment radio("Participation in this experiment is entirely voluntary and you may withdraw at any time. Would you like to proceed?",[["Yes"],["No"]],"consent"); // Gives 2 options in a drop-down menu, saves response as "consent" if (response.consent === "Yes") // If they consent... { // INSTRUCTIONS instruction("This is a word recall task. It will take about 1 minute. Please remember as many of the following eight words as you can."); // [YOU MAY WANT TO INCLUDE A PRACTICE TRIAL HERE] // EXPERIMENTAL TRIALS main.setfontsize(100); // Makes font large again, for the trials (100%) text("apple"); await(2000); clear(); await(1000); text("chair"); await(2000); clear(); await(1000); text("tent"); await(2000); clear(); await(1000); text("bowl"); await(2000); clear(); await(1000); text("clock"); await(2000); clear(); await(1000); text("bike"); await(2000); clear(); await(1000); text("tree"); await(2000); clear(); await(1000); text("cat"); await(2000); clear(); await(1000); main.setfontsize(75); largeinput("Please type the words you remember:","words_recalled"); // DEMOGRAPHIC QUESTIONS radio("What is your gender?",[["Female"],["Male"],["Other"],["Prefer not to say"]],"gender"); // Radio: Your answer options appear in a drop-down menu select("What is your age?",range(0,100),"age"); // Select: Your number range (0-99) appears in a drop-down menu scale("On a scale of 1 to 5, how challenging did you find this task?","Very Easy","Very Hard","difficulty"); // Scale: Shows a Likert-scale (1 labeled very easy and 5 labeled very hard) text("You selected {gender}, {age} years, and {difficulty} out of 5 for difficulty."); // Variables in curly brackets are replaced with subject's answer for that variable await(3000); //DEBRIEFING text("In this study, we are looking at x. Our hypothesis is y.<p>Press space to finish.</p>"); awaitkey("SPACE"); // Waits for subject to press the space bar text("Thank you for your participation!"); await(2000); } else // If they do not consent... { text("Experiment ended."); await(2000); clear(); }
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