My 6th Script: Advanced Words
howto_userMy 6th Script gives our word recall task a more complex design. It tests whether processing words more deeply leads subjects to remember them better, using a 2-condition, within-subjects design.
First, the subject is told to remember the following words, and also instructed to notice whether they’re written in upper- or lower-case. This elicits structural (shallow) processing. They write the words they remember. Again, the subject is told to remember the following words, but this time is instructed to think about the meaning of the word. This elicits semantic (deep) processing. Again, they write the words they remember. After these two trials, a short text explains the purpose of the experiment, and the subject is shown their score for both conditions.
This script also introduces how to write and use your own functions. First, we demonstrate the concept of putting some script inside a function by putting the for-loop from My 4th Script inside one. Then, we provide the script for and employ another handy function that automatically grades the subject’s answers. It compares the words they type to the original word list and produces a score of how many words they got correct.
Topics introduced: writing functions, multiple conditions, within-subjects design, log(), giving feedback by showing a variable within text.
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/* We write our own functions in this experiment. Writing a function is a handy way to shorten the body of your script by putting repetitive parts out of the way, inside a function. We recommend keeping all your functions at the top. Then, when writing the body of your script, you can just refer back to the function whenever you need to do those repetitive steps, instead of writing them all out. Whatever you put as the argument when referring back to the function will be substituted in wherever the original function mentions its argument. This way, functions can be written out once, but applied to many different things.*/ // WORD LOOP FUNCTION: The "for-loop" from My 4th Script, put inside a function // When we call "showmywords" in lines 53 and 64, it will do this for-loop function showmywords(vocab) { for (i = 0; i < vocab.length; i = i + 1) { text(vocab[i]); await(2000); clear(); await(1000); } } // AUTO-SCORE FUNCTION: counts how many words a subject remembered correctly // Ignore the contents; this function is very complex. Just enjoy that it works! function autoscorewords(answerkey, subjectsanswer, criterion) { var correct = 0; criterion = criterion || 0.25; // typos up to 25% different are counted as correct (e.g., parc instead of park, walsh instead of wash) r = subjectsanswer.split(/[^A-Za-z]+/); for(j = 0; j < answerkey.length; j = j + 1) { for(k = 0; k < r.length; k = k + 1) { if(distance(answerkey[j].toLowerCase(),r[k].toLowerCase()) <= criterion*answerkey[j].length) { correct = correct + 1; break; } } } return correct; } // Now, the body of the experiment: // 2 separate word lists (one for each condition) var shallow = ["bowl","APPLE","tent","glasses","cat","ROUND","TREE","work","SMOKE","SHEEP"]; var deep = ["cake","bird","slow","lake","green","chair","wash","bike","queen","light"]; instruction("This memory experiment has 2 trials. In both trials, you'll be shown 10 words, then asked to write the words you remember."); // CONDITION 1: SHALLOW instruction("Trial 1: Try to remember the following words. To help you remember them, notice whether they're written in upper or lowercase."); showmywords(shallow); // ^ Plugs shallow into showmywords wherever it says vocab var shallow_typed = largeinput("Type the words you remember.","shallow_recalled"); // ^ Stores the subject's answer in a variable called "shallow_typed" so that it can be accessed/used later in the script (e.g., in the next line!) var shallow_returned = autoscorewords(shallow, shallow_typed); // ^ Plugs the newly-stored answer into autoscorewords, and stores the returned score in variable called shallow_returned log(shallow_returned, "shallow_score"); //^ Saves the subject's score (shallow_returned) as a new line in your data, under the label shallow_score // CONDITION 2: DEEP instruction("Trial 2: Again, try to remember the following words. This time, to help you remember them, think about what the word means, or how you would describe it to someone."); showmywords(deep); var deep_typed = largeinput("Type the words you remember.","deep_recalled"); var deep_returned = autoscorewords(deep, deep_typed); log(deep_returned, "deep_score"); // FEEDBACK & CONCLUSION text("Trials are now over. This experiment looked at levels of processing, and the theory that people remember things better the more deeply they process them. Noticing upper vs. lowercase was structual (shallow) processing. Thinking about meaning was semantic (deep) processing.<p>Press space to finish.</p>"); awaitkey("SPACE"); clear(); text("You remembered " + shallow_returned + " shallowly-processed words and " + deep_returned + " deeply-processed words."); await(5000); clear(); text("The experiment is now over. Thank you!"); await(3000); clear();
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