Demo Scripts

Tablet Demos

Experiments suitable for tablets

Digit Span Task

Digit Span Task

This is a fairly typical implementation of the digit span forward task, similar to what one might encounter in a neuropsychological test battery. The task takes less than 5 min and can be done on a PC with a mouse or on a large touchscreen (tablet or large mobile phone). The digit span is reported at the end of the task.

Go/No-Go Task

Go/No-Go Task

This is a fairly typical implementation of the Go/No-Go Task, which takes about 2.5 min. It is suitable for use in lectures, where the audience can take the test on a laptop (keyboard) or mobile phone (touch screen). Feedback is given (including d-prime based on Hits and False Alarms).

Basic 1-Back Task

Basic 1-Back Task

Brief demo of a 1-Back Task to get a feeling for how this task is often implemented. Stimuli are digits 1, 2, and 3 and order is fully random (and may differ per subject). Feedback is given at the end. Runs with keyboard, mouse, and touch screen.

Flanker Task

Flanker Task

This is a fairly complete demo of the Eriksen Flanker Task, which takes about 2.5 min. It is suitable for use in lectures, where the audience can take the test on a laptop (keyboard) or mobile phone (touch screen). Feedback is given, including a T-Test significance level of how much faster congruent were compared with incongruent trials.

Memory Game

Memory Game