Basic 1-Back Task Demo Experiment Run Experiment

Basic 1-Back Task

Jaap Murre

Brief demo of a 1-Back Task to get a feeling for how this task is often implemented. Stimuli are digits 1, 2, and 3 and order is fully random (and may differ per subject). Feedback is given at the end. Runs with keyboard, mouse, and touch screen.

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var i, e, current, last, correct = 0, same_ones = 0, incorrect = 0,
    same = addblock(44,90,12,7).button("Same");

instruction('Watch the numbers on the screen. If a number equals the one just seen before, '
    + 'tap or click the "Same" Button or press the space bar. Else, do nothing.

' + 'When you click OK below, the experiment will start immediately.'); await(1000); for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { current = randint(1,3); // random number 1 to 3 text(current,300); if (current === last){ ++same_ones; console.log("Same"); waitfor { e = same.await('click',1000); } or { e = awaitkey(' ',1000); } if (e.type !== 'timeout') { ++correct; console.log("correct: ",correct," out of ",same_ones); } } else { waitfor { e = same.await('click',1000); } or { e = awaitkey(' ',1000); } if (e.type !== 'timeout') { ++incorrect; console.log("false alarms: ",incorrect); } } last = current; clear(); await(1000); } text('You had ' + correct + ' out of ' + same_ones + ' similar ones correct ' + 'and you responded ' + incorrect + ' times when the digits were in fact different.'); same.button('Exit').await('click');
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