Shared Scripts, Data, Stimuli, Files, and Demos

AES A3 Experiment Nelli Run Experiment

AES A3 Experiment Nelli


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// Welcoming the participant
m = main.addblock("center","center",90,90);
" + "Welcome to this experiment").style("color","palevioletred"); await(3000); m.destroy(); clear(); // Controlling environment text("We kindly ask you to perform this experiment in a quiet setting, preferably with as little environmental distractions as possible. " + "
" + "Please minimize the presence of phones, noise and people in your environment. " + "
" + "When you are ready, press the [SPACE] bar to continue",70); awaitkey('SPACE'); clear(); text("Before starting, we would like to receive your consent and some background information. ",90); await(5000); clear(); // Informed consent text("CONSENT: Participation is completely voluntary and you may quit at any time without providing reason. The information gathered in this experiment will be used for research purposes only by the researcher, and will not be shared.
" + "
" + "Press [SPACE] bar to continue ",70); awaitkey('SPACE'); clear(); radio("Please indicate your consent below.",[['I consent'],["I do NOT consent"]],"consent",70); if (response.consent === "I do NOT consent") { // If no consent then end experiment text("Unfortunately you have chosen to not give consent.
" + "Therefore, we are unable to continue with your participation
" + "You may now close the browser",70); await(6000); close(); } else { // Asking age, gender, & dominant hand startform(); b = main.addblock("center",15,100,20); b.text("What is your age, gender and dominant hand?"); x = main.addblock(15,"center",20,20);"Age", range(1,99),"Age"); p = main.addblock(35,"center",30,20);"Gender",[['Female',0],['Male',1],['Other',2]],"Gender"); q = main.addblock(75,"center",30,30);"Dominant hand",[['Left',0],['Right',1]],"Dominant_hand"); m = main.addblock("center","bottom",30,20); m.button("OK","inputbutton","click","inputbutton"); m.await('click'); endform(); b.destroy(); x.destroy(); p.destroy(); q.destroy(); m.destroy(); } text("This experiment has 2 parts.
" + "In the first part, you will be shown some pictures. " + "In the second part, you will be asked to respond to or refrain from responding to specific letters shown on the screen." + "
" + "Press [SPACE] to continue",70); awaitkey('SPACE'); clear(); text("PART 1 INSTRUCTIONS:
" + "A series of pictures will be shown on the middle of the screen. Pay close attention to them. " + "
" + "Please note: The images may be disturbing. Please feel free to to end the experiment if you experience any discomfort. " + "
" + "Press [SPACE] bar to start PART 1",70); awaitkey('SPACE'); clear(); await(2000); clear(); b = main.addblock("center","center",90,90); b.preload_range("la{0}.jpg",1,16); b.preload_range("ha{0}.jpg",1,16); image.await("preloading_completed"); b.destroy(); var low_arousal = ['la1.jpg','la2.jpg','la3.jpg','la4.jpg','la5.jpg','la6.jpg','la7.jpg','la8.jpg','la9.jpg','la10.jpg','la11.jpg','la12.jpg','la13.jpg','la14.jpg','la15.jpg'], high_arousal = ['ha1.jpg','ha2.jpg','ha3.jpg','ha4.jpg','ha5.jpg','ha6.jpg','ha7.jpg','ha8.jpg','ha9.jpg','ha10.jpg','ha11.jpg','ha12.jpg','ha13.jpg','ha14.jpg','ha15.jpg'], i; var subject_ID = increase("Subject ID", "script"); log(subject_ID,"Subject number"); shuffle(low_arousal); shuffle(high_arousal); if (subject_ID%2 === 0) // Even subject numbers assigned to condition 1 { for (i = 0; i < low_arousal.length ; i++) { b = main.addblock("center","center",90,90); b.setimage(low_arousal[i]); await(3000); b.hideimage(); await(500); clear(); } } else // Odd subject numbers to condition 2 { for (i = 0; i < high_arousal.length ; i++) { b = main.addblock("center","center",90,90); b.setimage(high_arousal[i]); await(3000); b.hideimage(); await(500); clear(); } } b.destroy(); await(1000); text("End of PART 1"); await(2000); clear(); text("PART 2 INSTRUCTIONS:
" + "A fixation cross will appear very briefly in the middle of the screen, fixate your eyes on this cross. " + "Next, a letter is shown on the same spot after the cross
" + "
" + "If the letter is [a] or [e], press the [SPACE] bar as fast as possible with your dominant hand" + "
" + "If the letter is [n] or [k], do NOT respond anything " + "
" + "Press [SPACE] bar to continue",70); awaitkey('SPACE'); clear(); text("Please press [SPACE] to start PART 2"); awaitkey('SPACE'); clear(); await(2000); clear(); var valid_letters = ['a','e','a','e','a','e','a','e','a','e'], distraction_letters = ['n','k','n','k','n','k','n','k','n','k'], all_letters = [], e, i, sum = 0; all_letters = all_letters.concat(valid_letters,distraction_letters); shuffle(all_letters); // randomization of letter stimuli for (i = 0; i < all_letters.length; i++) { text("+"); // fixation cross await(1000); clear(); text(all_letters[i]); // letter stimuli if (all_letters[i] === 'a'|| all_letters[i] === 'e') { t1 = now(); e = awaitkey('SPACE'); // await response t2 = now(); RT = t2-t1; log(e.RT.toFixed(2),"RT"); sum += e.RT; } else { await(1500); clear(); } } log(sum,"Total_RT"); // Total reaction time function mean(sum) { return sum/10; } var mean = mean(sum).toFixed(2); log(mean,"Average_RT"); // Feedback on RT text("Your average Reaction Time was: " + mean + " ms"); await(4000); clear(); // End of experiment + Debriefing m = main.addblock("center","center",90,90); m.text("This marks the end of the experiment.
" + "
" + "In this experiment, we investigated whether priming with low versus high arousal inducing images have a differing effect on reaction times to unrelated stimuli. " + "
" + "Thank you for participating!").style("color","palevioletred"); await(10000); close();

Data inspection is forthcoming!

In the mean time, authors may download their own data and make it available as an Excel file. Check out the 'Stimuli and Files' tab.

Click on a category to view the stimuli and files

You can download the files shown here by clicking on the file names or image. Note that you cannot link directly to the images, sounds, videos, etc. shown here from other web pages; the link will go stale in about one hour and will no longer work after that.

You can download the files shown here by clicking on the file names or image. Note that you cannot link directly to the images, sounds, videos, etc. shown here from other web pages; the link will go stale in about one hour and will no longer work after that.

You can download the files shown here by clicking on the file names or image. Note that you cannot link directly to the images, sounds, videos, etc. shown here from other web pages; the link will go stale in about one hour and will no longer work after that.

This experiment has no video links

You can download the files shown here by clicking on the file names or image. Note that you cannot link directly to the images, sounds, videos, etc. shown here from other web pages; the link will go stale in about one hour and will no longer work after that.

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