Shared Scripts, Data, Stimuli, Files, and Demos

emotional stroop task Run Experiment

emotional stroop task


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var neutral = [
    {word: 'TABLE', color: 'green', key: 'g'},
    {word: 'PATH', color: 'green', key: 'g'},
    {word: 'STREET', color: 'red', key: 'r'},
    {word: 'APPLE', color: 'blue', key: 'b'},
    {word: 'CHAIR', color: 'red', key: 'r'},
    {word: 'PENCIL', color: 'green', key: 'g'},
    {word: 'CANDLE', color: 'blue', key: 'g'},
    {word: 'STAIRS', color: 'red', key: 'r'},
    {word: 'TEAPOT', color: 'blue', key: 'b'},

var emotional = [
    {word: 'DEATH', color: 'red', key: 'r'},
    {word: 'RAPE', color: 'blue', key: 'b'},
    {word: 'MURDER', color: 'blue', key: 'b'},
    {word: 'SHAME', color: 'red', key: 'r'},
    {word: 'BOMB', color: 'green', key: 'g'},
    {word: 'WAR', color: 'blue', key: 'b'},
    {word: 'MASSACRE', color: 'green', key: 'g'},
    {word: 'SLAUGHTER', color: 'red', key: 'r'},
    {word: 'TERRORISM', color: 'green', key: 'g'},

 stimuli = [ ],
 results = [ ], 
 rt_neutral = 0, rt_emotional = 0, correct = 0,
stimuli = stimuli.concat(neutral,emotional); 




This experiment will measure your reaction time on a set of 18 words. The total time of the experiment will take around 5 minutes, including a questionnaire. Before you may start, please read the following text. Press the space bar when you have read this.

"); awaitkey("SPACE"); text("

Informed Consent

I willingly participate in this experiment. I confirm that I am at least 16 years old and I realize that I can stop participating at any moment during the task, without providing any reason. Press the space bar if you wish to consent.

"); awaitkey("SPACE"); input("What is your name", 'subject'); input("What is your age", 'age'); select("What is your gender?",[['male',0],['female',1],["prefer not to say",2]] ,"gender"); //STAI text("


Read each statement and select the appropriate response to indicate how you feel right now, that is, at this very moment. There are no right or wrong answers. Do not spend too much time on any one statement but give the answer which seems to describe your present feelings best. Press space bar when you are ready.

"); awaitkey("SPACE"); scale("I feel calm", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I feel secure ", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I feel tense", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I feel strained ", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I feel at ease", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I feel upset ", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I am presently worrying over possible misfortunes ", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I feel satisfied ", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I feel frightened", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I feel uncomfortable ", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I feel self confident", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I feel nervous ", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I feel jittery", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I feel indecisive ", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I am relaxed", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I feel content ", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I am worried", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I feel confused ", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I feel steady", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); scale("I feel pleasant ", "Not at all ","Somewhat","Very much so"); instruction("You have finished the questionnaire. Moving on to the experiment. Press the first letter of the color in which the word is printed, ignoring the actual word itself: r, g, or b."); text("The experiment will start shortly. Get ready!"); await(2000); for (i = 0; i < stimuli.length; i++) { text("+").style("color","black"); await(500); clear(); await(Math.random()); text(stimuli[i].word).style("color",stimuli[i].color); e = await("keypress"); if (e.type === "timeout") { text("Please, try to respond faster (within 2 seconds)"); await(3000); --i; } else { if (contains(neutral,stimuli[i])) { rt_neutral += e.RT; if (e.key === 'keypress') { ++correct; results.push([stimuli[i],e.RT,1,1,stimuli[i].length]); } else { results.push([stimuli[i],e.RT,0,1,stimuli[i].length]); } } else { rt_emotional += e.RT; if (e.key === 'keypress') { ++correct; results.push([stimuli[i],e.RT,1,0,stimuli[i].length]); } else { results.push([stimuli[i],e.RT,0,0,stimuli[i].length]); } } } clear(); await(1000); } log(rt_neutral,"neutral"); log(rt_emotional,"emotional"); text("Finished!").style("color","black"); await(1000); text("Thank you for participating!"); await(2000);

Data inspection is forthcoming!

In the mean time, authors may download their own data and make it available as an Excel file. Check out the 'Stimuli and Files' tab.

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