Shared Scripts, Data, Stimuli, Files, and Demos

EpisodicMemory_FinalDraft Run Experiment



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text("The experiment is loading, please wait.");
for (i=3000;i<3070;i=i+1) //overall 90 items, 45 pairs
var olditems = ['thread.png','hourglass_(2).png','vase.png','ovenmit.png','seesaw.png','fork.png','anchor.png','toothbrush.png','gum.png','candle.png','basketball.png','pan.png','knife.png','sunglasses.png','lipstick.png','tweezers.png','cup.png','chalk.png','whale.png','sofa.png'],
    items = olditems.concat(moreitems);
    instructions = ['neurotask_instructions.png'],
    a = addblock(20,"center",25,25),
    b = addblock(55,"center",25,25),
    head = main.addblock("center",5,90,22.5);
    trialtype=[9,2,1,3,0,4,7,6,5,8];"font-family","'Times New Roman', Georgia, serif");"border","solid thin black");"font-weight","bold");

for (i=0;i Press any key to continue");
itema = 0;
itemb = 1;

for (i=0;i Your task is to indicate whether you have seen the two pictures together in this arrangement before. 

This includes their position on the screen: it is only the same if the picture on the left was also on the left when you saw it first. Press any key to continue."); await("keypress"); clear(); text("Press the A-key if you have seen the two pictures in this configuration before, the G-key if you have seen the combination before in switched locations and press the L-key if the combination is novel .

Each trial, you have 3 seconds to give an answer.

Press any key to continue."); await("keypress"); clear(); head.text("This graphic illustrates the instructions. Press any key to continue."); center.showimage(instructions); await("keypress"); center.hideimage(); head.clear(); //Test itemai = 0; itembi = 1; itemar = 59; //changed to fit new item set itembr = 58; //changed to fit new item set iteman = 1; itembn = 2; hit=0; FA=0; nintact=0; for (i=0;i

Data inspection is forthcoming!

In the mean time, authors may download their own data and make it available as an Excel file. Check out the 'Stimuli and Files' tab.

Click on a category to view the stimuli and files

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