Tic Tac Toe Demo Experiment Run Experiment

Tic Tac Toe

Jaap Murre

Tic Tac Toe game demo, used elsewhere in a two-player mode (over Internet). Illustrates how to handle events (clicks) on many different blocks by defining a function that itself returns a function (a so called handler).

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var r, c, blocks = [], b, selected_block;

for (r = 0; r < 3; ++r) {
    for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
        b = addblock(21+r*20,21+c*20,18,18,"lightgrey");
        b.index = r*3 + c;

function onClick(block) {
    return function() {
        if (block.used) { // Cannot change X or O, if already one present
        var b = block, // This ties the block to this function
        b.style("background-color","yellow"); // Show as selected
        event = awaitkey("o,x"); // Wait for either the O or X key to be pressed
        b.text(event.key,200);   // Show the key's letter at size 200%
        b.style("background-color","lightgrey"); // Show as not selected
        b.used = true;  // This block (position) has been taken
        b.letter = event.key;
        var winner = checkWinner();
        if (winner) {

function checkWinner() {
    var b = blocks;
    function check(x,y,z) { 
        if ((b[x].letter === b[y].letter && b[y].letter === b[z].letter) 
                && b[x].letter) {  // Include last to check for empty string
            return [x,y,z];                
    return check(0,1,2) || check(3,4,5) || check (6,7,8)
            || check(0,3,6) || check(1,4,7) || check(2,5,8)
            || check(0,4,8) || check(2,4,6);

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