Demo Scripts

Chapter 6 Demos

Survey questions

Likert Scale and Radio Variants

Likert Scale and Radio Variants

Illustrates how to preselect a check button on a Likert scale.  

Likert Scale Demo

Likert Scale Demo

Illustrates the use of scale() to generate a basic Likert scale as explained in Chapter  6 of the Leanpub book.

waitfor or Demo

waitfor or Demo

Illustrates how to use the waitfor ... or statement to wait for several events at once. As soon as one occurs, processing of the script continues. It also illustrates how to style a button.

Select Control - Demo

Select Control - Demo

Illustrates the use of the select() function that generates a select control, as explained in Chapter 6 of the Leanpub book.

Combining Multiple Controls

Combining Multiple Controls

This demo illustrates how you can combine several controls on one page in such a way that they are still processed automatically by the NeuroTask libraries.