Shared Scripts, Data, Stimuli, Files, and Demos

Thesis Session 1 FINAL

Thesis Session 1 FINAL

Lena Faye Sachs

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//ReTest version of the Doors Task by Baddeley
//Code written by Lena F. Sachs
//Coding assistance provided by Jaap Murren, Stephen Smit and Regina Kuppen

//initiate variables
var blocks=[],
a =0,
seed_p=[2,2,0,2,3],  //generated with
seed_t=[2,2,3,3,1,1,3,3,2,2,3,1,3,2,0] //generated with

//create blocks
block0 = addblock("center","center",75,100);
block1 = addblock(0,0,50,50);
block2 = addblock(50,0,50,50);
block3 = addblock(0,50,50,50);
block4 = addblock(50,50,50,50);

blocks = [block1,block2,block3,block4];

//set nodes "block1"; "block2"; "block3"; "block4";

uid = getQueryVariable("uid");
//select language
q_block = main.addblock ("center","center", 90, 100)
.radio("Please select a language / Selecteer een taal / Wählen Sie eine Sprache:", ["English","Nederlands","Deutsch"],"language");

b1= main.addblock('center','bottom',30,20);

language = response.language;

//Preload images
//Preload presentation block (block0)   
for(h=0;h You will have 5 seconds to memorize each door. 
" + "
Afterwards you will presented with a display of four doors.
" + "
Please indicate which of the four doors you have seen during the memorization phase, by either clicking/tapping on the picture, or using the keyboard (top right: S, lower right: X, top left: K, lower left: M).
"+ "

" + "First there will be a practice trial to get you acquainted with the task." + "

" + "You can press F11 on Windows or Command-Shift-F on Mac to enter fullscreen." + "

" + "
Click on the screen or press SPACE to go to the practice trial
") .style("font-size","60%"); waitfor { awaitkey("SPACE"); } or { await("click,touchend"); } } else if (language==='Nederlands') { explanation_block.text("Tijdens deze taak krijgt u een aantal deuren achter elkaar te zien." + "
U heeft 5 seconden om deze te bekijken en te onthouden.
" + "
Hierna krijgt u een scherm met vier deuren te zien.
" + "
De taak is de deur te selecteren die u eerder al heeft gezien, door op het juiste plaatje te klikken of het toetsenbord te gebruiken (rechtsboven: S, rechtsonder: X, linksboven: K, linksonder: M)." + "

" + "Eerst krijgt u een oefenronde, om kennis te maken met de taak."+ "

"+ "U kunt op F11 drukken op Windows of Command-Shift-F drukken op Mac om naar volledige scherm modus te schakelen." + "

" + "Klik op het scherm of druk op SPATIE om door te gaan naar de oefenronde") .style("font-size","60%"); waitfor { awaitkey("SPACE"); } or { await("click,touchend"); } } else { explanation_block.text("Während dieses Tests bekommen Sie eine Reihe von Türen zu sehen." + " Sie haben 5 Sekunden Zeit, sich jede Tür einzuprägen." + "
Danach bekommen Sie einen Bildschirm mit vier Türen zu sehen.
" + "
Ihre Aufgabe ist es anzugeben, welche der Türen Sie sich eingeprägt haben, entweder durch klicken auf die entsprechende Tür oder durch benutzen der Tastatur (oben Rechts: S, unten Rechts: X, oben Links: K, unten Links: M).

" + "Zunächst folgt ein Übungstest, um Sie mit dem Test vertraut zu machen." + "

" + "Sie können F11 drücken bei Windows oder Command-Shift-F drücken bei Mac, um auf Vollbildmodus zu wechseln." + "

" + "Drücken Sie auf den Bildschirm oder die LEERTASTE, um mit dem Übungstest zu beginnen") .style("font-size","60%"); waitfor { awaitkey("SPACE"); } or { await("click,touchend"); } } main.removeblock(explanation_block); //Additional preload screen loading_block = main.addblock ("center","center"); if (language==='English') { loading_block.text("Images are being loaded. This might take a minute. If this takes longer than 5 minutes, refresh the page."); } else if (language==='Nederlands') { loading_block.text("Afbeeldingen worden geladen. Dit kan even duren. Als dit langer dan 5 minuten duurt, ververs de pagina."); } else { loading_block.text("Bilder werden geladen. Dies kann einige Minuten dauern. Falls dies länger als 5 Minuten dauert, aktualisieren die Seite."); } image.await("preloading_completed"); main.removeblock(loading_block); //Start practice Trial startblock = main.addblock("center","center"); if(language==="English") { startblock.text("Ready? Tap or press SPACE to start"); waitfor { awaitkey("SPACE"); } or { await("click,touchend"); } } else if(language==="Nederlands") { startblock.text("Klaar om te beginnen? Klik op het scherm of druk op SPATIE om te beginnen."); waitfor { awaitkey("SPACE"); } or { await("click,touchend"); } } else if(language==="Deutsch") { startblock.text("Bereit? Drücken Sie auf den Schirm oder die LEERTASTE um anzufangen."); waitfor { awaitkey("SPACE"); } or { await("click,touchend"); } } main.removeblock(startblock); //Practice Trial //Target presentation for(k=0; k
" + "You can take a short break now." + "

" + "Click on the screen or press SPACE to start the test."); waitfor { awaitkey("SPACE"); } or { await("click,touchend"); } } else if(language === "Nederlands") { transition_box.text("Uw score is " + a + " van 5." + "

" + "U kunt nu een korte pauze nemen." + "

" + "Klik op het scherm of druk op SPATIE om door te gaan naar de test."); waitfor { awaitkey("SPACE"); } or { await("click,touchend"); } } else if(language === "Deutsch") { transition_box.text("Ihr Ergebnis ist " + a + " von 5." + "

" + "Sie können jetzt eine kurze Pause machen." + "

" + "Drücken Sie auf den Bildschirm oder die LEERTASTE, um mit dem Test zu beginnen."); waitfor { awaitkey("SPACE"); } or { await("click,touchend"); } } main.removeblock(transition_box); //Actual trial a=0; //resets score from the practice trial for(i=0; i
" + "You are done with the test portion of this task. Please fill in the survey to complete the task." + "

" + "Click on the screen or press SPACE to go to the survey"); waitfor { awaitkey("SPACE"); } or { await("click,touchend"); } } else if(language === "Nederlands") { transition_box.text("Uw score is " + a + " van 15." + "

" + "U bent klaar met het testdeel van deze taak. Vul alstublieft de vragenlijst in om de taak af te ronden." + "

" + "Klik op het scherm of druk op SPATIE om naar de vragenlijst te gaan"); waitfor { awaitkey("SPACE"); } or { await("click,touchend"); } } else if(language === "Deutsch") { transition_box.text("Ihr Ergebnis ist " + a + " von 15." + "

" + "Sie sind fertig mit dem Testteil dieses Experiments. Bitte füllen sie den Fragebogen aus, um dieses Experiment abzuschließen ." + "

" + "Drücken Sie auf den Bildschirm oder die LEERTASTE, um mit dem Fragebogen zu beginnen"); waitfor { awaitkey("SPACE"); } or { await("click,touchend"); } } main.removeblock(transition_box); //Add question blocks q1= main.addblock("center",10,90,15); q2= main.addblock("center",35,90,15); q3= main.addblock("center",60,90,15); q4= main.addblock("center",5,90,15); b1= addblock("center",85,30,20); //questions about motivation, concentration, sleep, and input method if (language==='English') { startform(); q1.scale("How motivated were you to do the task?","Not motivated at all","Very Motivated","motivation") .style("font-size","70%"); q2.scale("How concentrated were you during the task?","Not concentrated at all", "Very concentrated","concentration") .style("font-size","70%"); q3.scale("How did you sleep last night?", "Very badly","Very well","sleep") .style("font-size","70%"); b1.button("OK") .await("click"); endform(); main.removeblock(q1); main.removeblock(q2); main.removeblock(q3); startform();"On which device did you do this task?",["Smartphone/Tablet","Laptop using the mousepad","Computer using the mouse", "Computer/Laptop using the keyboard"],"device") .style("font-size","70%"); b1.button("OK") .await("click"); endform(); } else if (language==='Nederlands') { startform(); q1.scale("Hoe gemotiveerd was u om de taak te doen?","Helemaal niet gemotiveerd","Sterk gemotiveerd","motivation") .style("font-size","70%"); q2.scale("Hoe geconcentreed was u tijdens de taak?","Helemaal niet geconcentreed", "Erg geconcentreed","concentration") .style("font-size","70%"); q3.scale("Hoe hebt u de afgelopen nacht geslapen?", "Heel slecht","Heel goed","sleep") .style("font-size","70%"); b1.button("OK","inputbutton","click","inputbutton") .await('click'); endform(); main.removeblock(q1); main.removeblock(q2); main.removeblock(q3); startform();"Op welk manier hebt u de taak gedaan?",["Smartphone/Tablet","Laptop met mousepad","Computer(desktop) met muis", "Computer/Laptop met toetsenbord"],"device") .style("font-size","70%"); b1.button("OK") .await("click"); endform(); } else { startform(); q1.scale("Wie motiviert waren Sie den Test durchzuführen?", "Gar nicht motiviert", "Sehr motiviert", "motivation") .style("font-size","70%"); q2.scale("Wie konzentriert waren Sie während des Tests?", "Gar nicht konzentriert", "Sehr konzentriert","concentration") .style("font-size","70%"); q3.scale("Wie haben Sie letzte Nacht geschlafen?", "Sehr schlecht", "Sehr gut", "sleep") .style("font-size","70%"); b1.button("OK","inputbutton","click","inputbutton") .await('click'); endform(); main.removeblock(q1); main.removeblock(q2); main.removeblock(q3); startform();"Womit haben Sie den Test gemacht?",["Smartphone/Tablet", "Laptop mit Mousepad", "Computer mit Maus", "Computer/Laptop mit Tastatur"], "device") .style("font-size","70%"); b1.button("OK") .await("click"); endform(); } main.removeblock(q4); main.removeblock(b1); //End of task text end_box = main.addblock("center","center").style("font-size","70%"); if(language=== "English") { end_box.text("This is the end of session 1." + "

" + "Click on the screen or press SPACE to complete the session." + "

" + "You will be redirected. Do not close the window until prompted to do so."); waitfor { awaitkey("SPACE"); } or { await("click,touchend"); } closesession(); window.location = ""; } else if(language === "Nederlands") { end_box.text("Dit is het einde van sessie 1." + "

" + "Klik op het scherm of druk op SPATIE om de test af te sluiten." + "

" + "U wordt doorgestuurd naar een andere website. Sluit het venster niet af totdat u ernaar gevraagd wordt."); waitfor { awaitkey("SPACE"); } or { await("click,touchend"); } closesession(); window.location = ""; } else if(language === "Deutsch") { end_box.text("Dies ist das Ende des ersten Tests." + "

" + "Drücken Sie auf den Bildschirm oder die LEERTASTE, um den Test abzuschließen." + "

" + "Sie werden weitergeleitet. Bitte schließen Sie das Fenster nicht, bis Sie danach gefragt werden."); waitfor { awaitkey("SPACE"); } or { await("click,touchend"); } closesession(); window.location = ""; }

Data inspection is forthcoming!

In the mean time, authors may download their own data and make it available as an Excel file. Check out the 'Stimuli and Files' tab.

Click on a category to view the stimuli and files

You can download the files shown here by clicking on the file names or image. Note that you cannot link directly to the images, sounds, videos, etc. shown here from other web pages; the link will go stale in about one hour and will no longer work after that.

You can download the files shown here by clicking on the file names or image. Note that you cannot link directly to the images, sounds, videos, etc. shown here from other web pages; the link will go stale in about one hour and will no longer work after that.

This experiment has no video links

You can download the files shown here by clicking on the file names or image. Note that you cannot link directly to the images, sounds, videos, etc. shown here from other web pages; the link will go stale in about one hour and will no longer work after that.

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